Housing Affordability

    What is Affordable Housing?

    The term “affordable housing” is often used interchangeably with “social housing.” However, social (government subsidized) housing is just one category of affordable housing across what is known as the housing continuum. Affordable housing is a much broader term that includes housing provided by the private, public and not-for profit sectors, as well as all forms of housing that people rent, lease or own. 

    What does Gentle Density mean?

    Gentle Density is low impact type of housing that is of a similar scale to townhouses, row houses and triplexes. Gentle density is one way to increase housing supply with minimal impact on existing communities.

    What’s within the City’s control around affordable housing?

    ● Regulatory authority over land use and building standards  

    ● Laying the groundwork for number of units needed, the types of units and where they can go 

     ● Financial incentives to encourage the development of rental housing and non-profit housing  

    ● Policies to promote the availability of a full range of housing types 

    What is not within the City’s control around affordable housing?

    • No authority to ensure that affordable housing is built 

    • No authority to force homebuilders to build within a certain timeframe 

    • No ability to change current provincial or federal legislation to make this happen faster 

    • No influence over the list price for new housing units or resale housing within the private market