Alcohol Bylaw

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Consultation has concluded

Silhouettes of a glass of wine, a mixed drink, a bottle of beer and a canned beverage against a navy blue back ground.

New provincial legislation gives municipalities the ability to pass bylaws allowing drinking alcohol in certain public spaces, such as parks. We’d like to understand how you feel about allowing alcohol in parks.

Thank you to everyone who participate in this consultation. The results from the survey and report to council are available on our website.

New provincial legislation gives municipalities the ability to pass bylaws allowing drinking alcohol in certain public spaces, such as parks. We’d like to understand how you feel about allowing alcohol in parks.

Thank you to everyone who participate in this consultation. The results from the survey and report to council are available on our website.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We’re considering changing where people can drink. Your responses to this survey will help Council determine the public spaces alcohol consumption may be permitted that the community supports . 

    Consultation has concluded
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