Bird Friendly City

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Consultation has concluded

It's official!

With 1,656 votes, you chose Black-capped Chickadee as Guelph’s official bird! 

A black capped chickadee perched on a ripe summac seed head. Photo credit to Katie Duncan

Honourable mentions go to Chimney Swift (715 votes) and Green Heron (407 votes). Next steps – we present your official selection to Council on June 7, where hopefully Council will support our application to become a Bird Friendly City!  

Why become a bird friendly city?

North American bird populations have dropped by more than 25 per cent in recent years. Domestic cats, window and car collisions, and habitat loss present hazards to birds living in urban communities.

Becoming a Bird Friendly City will raise awareness in the community about local birds and bird populations, provide science-based education and outreach, and contribute to reversing the trend of decline.

It's official!

With 1,656 votes, you chose Black-capped Chickadee as Guelph’s official bird! 

A black capped chickadee perched on a ripe summac seed head. Photo credit to Katie Duncan

Honourable mentions go to Chimney Swift (715 votes) and Green Heron (407 votes). Next steps – we present your official selection to Council on June 7, where hopefully Council will support our application to become a Bird Friendly City!  

Why become a bird friendly city?

North American bird populations have dropped by more than 25 per cent in recent years. Domestic cats, window and car collisions, and habitat loss present hazards to birds living in urban communities.

Becoming a Bird Friendly City will raise awareness in the community about local birds and bird populations, provide science-based education and outreach, and contribute to reversing the trend of decline.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are down to three beautiful birds in the contest to choose Guelph's official bird. Check out the birds one last time and choose your favourite bird for Guelph. 

    Please vote only once! Duplicate votes will be removed.

    Consultation has concluded
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