Downtown Infrastructure Renewal

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Join us on October 2 for an open house to discuss construction pace, Downtown waste, streetscaping, heritage and more!

Check out the Engagement Opportunities section below for more information or complete our online surveys

Downtown Guelph is the heart of our city. It’s a place where residents and visitors come to live, work, play, and love. We’re going to make it even better and breathe new life to our Downtown.

We have a vibrant and thriving Downtown, and we want it to stay that way for years to come. We also have aging water and sewer pipes, roads and sidewalks that must be replaced; some of the underground pipes are over 100 years old! We’re replacing our aging infrastructure and upgrading utility services, and, before we put the roads back together, we’ll also have an opportunity to modernize the streetscape.

Improving this important Downtown infrastructure will allow us to provide better community-driven service and help support the economic vitality of our vibrant Downtown core.

However, work like this takes time. It takes years to research, engage with the community, create a dependable plan, and replace the infrastructure. This necessary renewal work will ultimately improve our Downtown for all businesses, residents, and visitors. Let’s work together to create a place for everyone in Downtown Guelph.

The Downtown Infrastructure Renewal Program project is one of many exciting projects under the overarching Downtown Renewal efforts. The overall Downtown Renewal program will transform and revitalize how Downtown looks, feels and functions while still preserving its unique cultural heritage, which will make it future-ready to continue supporting growth to 2051 and beyond.

Lovable downtown banner: even more reasons to love your Downtown with logo for Downtown Renewal project

Planning phase

Planning for Downtown Infrastructure Renewal began in the spring of 2021. During the planning phase, we’re looking at the existing infrastructure and the future needs of Downtown Guelph to determine what needs updating..

As part of the planning work, we initiated two Municipal Class Environment Assessments (EAs). Environmental assessments involve collaborating with the community to support the planning and decision-making for large-scale projects. These EAs looked at various options for traffic flow, pedestrian areas and public spaces in Downtown streets, and the bridge and dam structures along Macdonell.

  • The Wyndham Street EA examined the function of the road for all users including the number of traffic lanes and available active transportation infrastructure.
  • The Macdonell and Allan Dam structures EA across the Speed River is being completed to confirm required improvements and the preferred solution for each.

In February 2024, City Council approved the Wyndham Street North cross-section and St. George’s Square reconstruction, which came from the original Wyndham EA. The Macdonell and Allan Dam structures EA will be brought to Council for consideration in early 2025, as this work is still being completed.

We expect to start work on the final design of the first phase of construction for Downtown Infrastructure Renewal later in 2024. Construction will start in 2026.

The overall design and construction process for this infrastructure renewal is likely to last over the next few decades.

Project study area showing the river, London road, Dublin St N. and the train tracks as the main boundaries for the first phase of engagement, with a future consideration indicated blow the tracks as far as York roadProject study area

Engagement opportunities

This summer, our project team will be out and about sharing information about this project and talking with the community about design options for St. Georges square in anticipation of our next big engagement push in October.

Watch for our street team at upcoming events including:

  • The Ward Night Market Renfaire - August 15 in York Road Park
  • Guelph Ribfest - August 23-25 in Riverside Park
  • Carden Market - September 7, 12 - 7p.m. along Carden Street
  • Ward Night Market - September 19, 5-9 p.m. Guelph Farmers' Market, 2 Gordon Street
  • Fourth Friday- September 27 outside the Guelph Museum
  • Downtown Guelph Trick or Treat - October 26, 12 to 3 p.m., in or near St. George's Square and Old Quebec Shops.
    • At these events, were sharing information and asking the community for ideas to feed into the design process for St. Georges Square

Join us for a Construction Café

  • On the third Thursday of every month, or project team will be at a different downtown café to meet with businesses, hear your questions and share information. Drop in to have a chat in the morning. Coffee's on us!
    Check out the 'More Information' section below to find out where and when to find us this month!

Participate in our virtual open house

On Wednesday, October 2 we hosted an in person open house at City Hall – a follow-up from our open house in March of this year where we asked the community about fast vs. slow-paced construction.

Don't worry if you missed us in person. We have all of the same information here on line.

We want to hear your thoughts!

Until October 27, please take some time to share your thoughts with us through two ongoing surveys:

More engagement dates and announcements coming soon!

Past Engagement and how the project has progressed

A summary of past engagement activities and what we heard from 2022 until our most recent phase of engagement can be found in the “Documents” panel on the right-hand side of this page, including:

How to reach us:

We're always here to answer your questions. Please reach out any time at We'll get back to you within a few business days.

Sign up to follow the project for regular updates. Simply subscribe using the "stay informed" link in the upper right corner of this page.

Subscribe on this page for updates and to stay informed.

Join us on October 2 for an open house to discuss construction pace, Downtown waste, streetscaping, heritage and more!

Check out the Engagement Opportunities section below for more information or complete our online surveys

Downtown Guelph is the heart of our city. It’s a place where residents and visitors come to live, work, play, and love. We’re going to make it even better and breathe new life to our Downtown.

We have a vibrant and thriving Downtown, and we want it to stay that way for years to come. We also have aging water and sewer pipes, roads and sidewalks that must be replaced; some of the underground pipes are over 100 years old! We’re replacing our aging infrastructure and upgrading utility services, and, before we put the roads back together, we’ll also have an opportunity to modernize the streetscape.

Improving this important Downtown infrastructure will allow us to provide better community-driven service and help support the economic vitality of our vibrant Downtown core.

However, work like this takes time. It takes years to research, engage with the community, create a dependable plan, and replace the infrastructure. This necessary renewal work will ultimately improve our Downtown for all businesses, residents, and visitors. Let’s work together to create a place for everyone in Downtown Guelph.

The Downtown Infrastructure Renewal Program project is one of many exciting projects under the overarching Downtown Renewal efforts. The overall Downtown Renewal program will transform and revitalize how Downtown looks, feels and functions while still preserving its unique cultural heritage, which will make it future-ready to continue supporting growth to 2051 and beyond.

Lovable downtown banner: even more reasons to love your Downtown with logo for Downtown Renewal project

Planning phase

Planning for Downtown Infrastructure Renewal began in the spring of 2021. During the planning phase, we’re looking at the existing infrastructure and the future needs of Downtown Guelph to determine what needs updating..

As part of the planning work, we initiated two Municipal Class Environment Assessments (EAs). Environmental assessments involve collaborating with the community to support the planning and decision-making for large-scale projects. These EAs looked at various options for traffic flow, pedestrian areas and public spaces in Downtown streets, and the bridge and dam structures along Macdonell.

  • The Wyndham Street EA examined the function of the road for all users including the number of traffic lanes and available active transportation infrastructure.
  • The Macdonell and Allan Dam structures EA across the Speed River is being completed to confirm required improvements and the preferred solution for each.

In February 2024, City Council approved the Wyndham Street North cross-section and St. George’s Square reconstruction, which came from the original Wyndham EA. The Macdonell and Allan Dam structures EA will be brought to Council for consideration in early 2025, as this work is still being completed.

We expect to start work on the final design of the first phase of construction for Downtown Infrastructure Renewal later in 2024. Construction will start in 2026.

The overall design and construction process for this infrastructure renewal is likely to last over the next few decades.

Project study area showing the river, London road, Dublin St N. and the train tracks as the main boundaries for the first phase of engagement, with a future consideration indicated blow the tracks as far as York roadProject study area

Engagement opportunities

This summer, our project team will be out and about sharing information about this project and talking with the community about design options for St. Georges square in anticipation of our next big engagement push in October.

Watch for our street team at upcoming events including:

  • The Ward Night Market Renfaire - August 15 in York Road Park
  • Guelph Ribfest - August 23-25 in Riverside Park
  • Carden Market - September 7, 12 - 7p.m. along Carden Street
  • Ward Night Market - September 19, 5-9 p.m. Guelph Farmers' Market, 2 Gordon Street
  • Fourth Friday- September 27 outside the Guelph Museum
  • Downtown Guelph Trick or Treat - October 26, 12 to 3 p.m., in or near St. George's Square and Old Quebec Shops.
    • At these events, were sharing information and asking the community for ideas to feed into the design process for St. Georges Square

Join us for a Construction Café

  • On the third Thursday of every month, or project team will be at a different downtown café to meet with businesses, hear your questions and share information. Drop in to have a chat in the morning. Coffee's on us!
    Check out the 'More Information' section below to find out where and when to find us this month!

Participate in our virtual open house

On Wednesday, October 2 we hosted an in person open house at City Hall – a follow-up from our open house in March of this year where we asked the community about fast vs. slow-paced construction.

Don't worry if you missed us in person. We have all of the same information here on line.

We want to hear your thoughts!

Until October 27, please take some time to share your thoughts with us through two ongoing surveys:

More engagement dates and announcements coming soon!

Past Engagement and how the project has progressed

A summary of past engagement activities and what we heard from 2022 until our most recent phase of engagement can be found in the “Documents” panel on the right-hand side of this page, including:

How to reach us:

We're always here to answer your questions. Please reach out any time at We'll get back to you within a few business days.

Sign up to follow the project for regular updates. Simply subscribe using the "stay informed" link in the upper right corner of this page.

Subscribe on this page for updates and to stay informed.

  • We'd Like to Hear From You!

    Downtown Renewal is about creating a place for everyone. Downtown Guelph is and will continue to be the heart of our city. We're working to improve and upgrade Downtown's roads, sewers, watermains, sidewalks, cycling facilities and streetscape to replace aging infrastructure and make our Downtown even more livable, workable, playable, and lovable.

    While construction isn't starting until 2026, we're planning that construction now, deciding first on how construction will be phased (what areas and when), the pace of construction, associated impacts, and the costs. This detailed planning is being developed through a Capital Implementation Plan, which will help guide the work throughout construction.

    Construction pace and phasing aren't all that we're planning to do to reduce the impacts of construction on area businesses, residents and visitors, but it is certainly one of the first and most important pieces.

    We'd like to hear your voice in this planning process and your questions, comments, or concerns about Downtown infrastructure renewal. 

    In March of this year, the public and Downtown businesses were invited to provide feedback on options for proposed construction phasing, the pace of construction (fast or slower paced), and to share ways impacts can be mitigated. The feedback was taken into consideration to shape the Capital Implementation Plan further. 

    Please take a few minutes to complete this survey after reviewing the recommendations we've chosen All comments will be part of the project record (except for personal information). Your feedback is important and will be carefully considered to help shape the final recommendations to Council.

    Take Survey
    Share Downtown Construction Pace Survey on Facebook Share Downtown Construction Pace Survey on Twitter Share Downtown Construction Pace Survey on Linkedin Email Downtown Construction Pace Survey link
  • St. George’s Square is the heart of Downtown Guelph.  

    We have a once-in-a generation opportunity to reimagine how people can experience this space at the intersection of Wyndham and Quebec/Douglas streets.   

    Beyond making St. George's Square an area that is clean and safe for all, we are looking for your thoughts on the design of the space and how you can see yourself using it in the future.

    Please take just two to five minutes to share your thoughts on the future of St. George’s Square.

    Take Survey
    Share St. George's Square design ideas on Facebook Share St. George's Square design ideas on Twitter Share St. George's Square design ideas on Linkedin Email St. George's Square design ideas link
Page last updated: 22 Oct 2024, 11:50 AM