Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan

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After six years of research and planning, technical studies and extensive public engagement, Guelph City Council has approved an amendment to the Official Plan to incorporate the Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan. This land supports provincially-mandated growth targets and the City’s local growth management strategy. With strong ties to the City’s Strategic Plan, Guelph is future-ready with a plan that reflects Guelph’s values, is designed with an environment-first approach and pushes us closer on our Race To Zero.

Notice of Completion

As of April 25 the notice of completion has been posted. Read the full notice.

How to provide comments

The recently completed MESP and this notice are being placed in the public record for review. Subject to comments received as a result of this notice, and receipt of necessary approvals, the City of Guelph intends to proceed with the recommendations documented using a phased implementation approach. The MESP and supporting documents (including the Comprehensive Environmental Impact Study – CEIS, and the Official Plan Amendment) are available for review at

Interested persons may provide written comments to the project team e-mail by May, 25, 2024 (30 days after the date on this notice): Additionally, the following project team members can be contacted:

About the Project

The City is proposing a secondary plan that supports the development of a vibrant, urban Clair-Maltby community designed to respect the Natural Heritage System and the Paris-Galt Moraine, following the City’s environment-first approach. The secondary plan reflects the vision and directions we developed with the community over the past four years and establishes the land use policy framework and infrastructure plans to develop the southernmost lands within the City.

Important Information

The MESP, studying stormwater, water, waste water and mobility servicing to the Clair-Maltby area, has been undertaken in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule B projects as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015). The Class EA process to date has included public and agency consultation on the servicing alternatives.

Engagement Summary

Numerous and varied community engagement opportunities have been provided to stakeholders throughout the development of the Secondary Plan. The results of these opportunities have been considered in the various Committee and Council reports on key foundational material that received Council support leading to the development of the Official Plan Amendment. Please read a summary of all of the engagement activites.


After six years of research and planning, technical studies and extensive public engagement, Guelph City Council has approved an amendment to the Official Plan to incorporate the Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan. This land supports provincially-mandated growth targets and the City’s local growth management strategy. With strong ties to the City’s Strategic Plan, Guelph is future-ready with a plan that reflects Guelph’s values, is designed with an environment-first approach and pushes us closer on our Race To Zero.

Notice of Completion

As of April 25 the notice of completion has been posted. Read the full notice.

How to provide comments

The recently completed MESP and this notice are being placed in the public record for review. Subject to comments received as a result of this notice, and receipt of necessary approvals, the City of Guelph intends to proceed with the recommendations documented using a phased implementation approach. The MESP and supporting documents (including the Comprehensive Environmental Impact Study – CEIS, and the Official Plan Amendment) are available for review at

Interested persons may provide written comments to the project team e-mail by May, 25, 2024 (30 days after the date on this notice): Additionally, the following project team members can be contacted:

About the Project

The City is proposing a secondary plan that supports the development of a vibrant, urban Clair-Maltby community designed to respect the Natural Heritage System and the Paris-Galt Moraine, following the City’s environment-first approach. The secondary plan reflects the vision and directions we developed with the community over the past four years and establishes the land use policy framework and infrastructure plans to develop the southernmost lands within the City.

Important Information

The MESP, studying stormwater, water, waste water and mobility servicing to the Clair-Maltby area, has been undertaken in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule B projects as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015). The Class EA process to date has included public and agency consultation on the servicing alternatives.

Engagement Summary

Numerous and varied community engagement opportunities have been provided to stakeholders throughout the development of the Secondary Plan. The results of these opportunities have been considered in the various Committee and Council reports on key foundational material that received Council support leading to the development of the Official Plan Amendment. Please read a summary of all of the engagement activites.

  • Share Land Use and Parks Idea Board on Facebook Share Land Use and Parks Idea Board on Twitter Share Land Use and Parks Idea Board on Linkedin Email Land Use and Parks Idea Board link

    Land Use and Parks Idea Board

    almost 3 years ago
    CLOSED: This ideas has concluded.


    Clair-Maltby will be a vibrant, urban village that is integrated with Guelph’s southern neighbourhoods, as well as having strong connections to Downtown, employment areas and the rest of the city.

    The Natural Heritage System (NHS) and the Paris Galt Moraine provide the physical and ecological framework for the balanced development of interconnected and sustainable neighbourhoods following the City’s environment-first approach.

    The area will be primarily residential in character with a full range and mix of housing types, which will allow for affordable and market-based housing, and a variety of other uses to meet the needs of all residents.

    A system of parks, open spaces and trails will be interwoven throughout to provide opportunities for active and passive recreation.

    On June 24, 2021, the City provided an overview of the proposed Clair-Maltby land use designations and open space system. You can review that presentation and session recording here. 

    Please take a moment to review the Maps below and provide your ideas on the proposed land use designations and open space system! You can click on each image to enlarge.

     Community StructureLand Use DesignationsBuilt Form Elements and Open Space System







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  • Share Environment and Stormwater Management Idea Board on Facebook Share Environment and Stormwater Management Idea Board on Twitter Share Environment and Stormwater Management Idea Board on Linkedin Email Environment and Stormwater Management Idea Board link
    CLOSED: This ideas has concluded.

    The Comprehensive Environmental Impact Study (CEIS) evaluated how Clair-Maltby could be developed in concert with the existing Natural Heritage System and stormwater drainage features. The CEIS was undertaken as part of the Secondary Plan process, and stormwater management alternatives were evaluated as part of the Master Environmental Servicing Plan in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. Phase 1 and 2 of the CEIS occurred over a duration of four years and included studying and assessing the existing natural environment features and functions, as well as studying the role of groundwater / surface water in the existing Clair-Maltby study area to support the existing natural systems. Phase 3 of the CEIS assessed the impacts associated with the preferred community structure on the existing environment and established management strategies and monitoring frameworks. 

     The CEIS provides the following:

    • Informed land use process;
    • Technical basis for groundwater, surface water and natural heritage assessment; and,
    • Technical basis for integrated impact management plan(s) and implementation and monitoring plan(s).

    On June 24, 2021, the City provide a detailed overview of the CEIS and its findings. You can view the presentation and session recording here.

    Please take some time and review the images below and let us know what you think! Click images to enlarge.


    Refined Natural Heritage SystemRefined Natural Heritage System 2014 > 2021Future Drainage Plan (Surface Water)


     Groundwater Flow DirectionsRecharge and Groundwater Flow Systems





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  • Share Water and Wasterwater Servicing Idea Board on Facebook Share Water and Wasterwater Servicing Idea Board on Twitter Share Water and Wasterwater Servicing Idea Board on Linkedin Email Water and Wasterwater Servicing Idea Board link
    CLOSED: This ideas has concluded.

    Water and wastewater servicing for Clair-Maltby was studied as part of the Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP), which was undertaken in accordance with Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process.

    The MESP has followed Phases 1 and 2 of the Class EA process and identifies a series of servicing projects that will be required to service the Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan Area.

    MESP has determined preferred servicing strategies for:

    • Water & Wastewater; 
    • Stormwater management, and
    • Mobility (transportation)

    The preferred water servicing strategy for the Clair-Maltby lands includes a system of water distribution mains, an above-ground reservoir, and a transmission main bringing water from the Clair Booster Pump Station to the new above-ground reservoir, with associated hydrants, valves and appurtenances as required.

    The preferred wastewater servicing for the Clair-Maltby lands includes a system of wastewater gravity mains, sanitary pump stations and sanitary forcemains. A new trunk sewer is proposed along Gordon Street to Clair Road, Laird Road and north to connect into the Hanlon Trunk system. 

    The water and wastewater services for Clair-Maltby will be studied, designed and constructed to in alignment with mobility infrastructure and to support population growth at each of the four development phases. On June 24, 2021, the City reviewed the details of the MESP. You can view that presentation and session recording here.

    Please take a look at the preferred servicing scenarios and phasing, and let us know what you think! Click each image to enlarge.

     Preferred Wastewater ServicingPreferred Water ServicingServicing Phase 1


     Servicing Phase 2Servicing Phase 3Servicing Phase 4



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  • Share Mobility Idea Board on Facebook Share Mobility Idea Board on Twitter Share Mobility Idea Board on Linkedin Email Mobility Idea Board link

    Mobility Idea Board

    almost 3 years ago
    CLOSED: This ideas has concluded.

    Clair-Maltby will be a community where walking, bicycling, other active transportation modes, and transit are attractive and efficient modes of transportation within the community, and for connecting to the City as a whole and the surrounding rural area. This will be achieved through the development of a multi-modal active-transportation focused mobility system inclusive of an integrated network with roads, bicycling facilities, sidewalks and paths designed, built and maintained with consideration for all users. New mobility infrastructure and improvements to existing corridors required to support growth in the Clair-Maltby area were studied in the Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP), which was undertaken in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.  Mobility infrastructure will be further studied, designed, and constructed in stages to support population growth at each of the four development phases.  

    On June 24, 2021, the City provided an overview of the mobility preferences for Clair-Maltby. You can view that presentation and session recording here. Please review the images below and provide us with your thoughts! Click on images to enlarge.

    Local Cross SectionCollector Cross Section





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Page last updated: 25 Apr 2024, 08:02 AM