York Road reconstruction phase three

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Consultation has concluded


York Road is now open! There is a forth and final phase of construction on York Road to be completed in 2025. Learn more. 

About the York Road improvements project

The City of Guelph is completing water and sewer pipe replacement work on York Road between Stevenson Street and Victoria Road. The curbs, gutters, and sidewalks will also be replaced as part of this project. The road will remain a two-lane road with the addition of bike lanes on the north and south sides of the roads.

For the second stage of this project to replace the underground water and sewer pipes, York Road will be closed from Brockville Avenue to Victoria Road South in both directions starting in the spring of 2024. There will be limited local access in the winter 2024.

Have your say

Learn about: 

  • Potential impacts to properties
  • Traffic impacts during construction
  • What to expect during construction

How to participate

We held a public open house on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 to discuss what to expect during construction. Construction plans will be on display. If you missed the open house review the information and ask any questions you may have regarding traffic impacts, property access or other construction related concerns below by April 2, 2024..

In addition a special meeting for businesses was held:

Date: Monday, February 26, 2024


York Road is now open! There is a forth and final phase of construction on York Road to be completed in 2025. Learn more. 

About the York Road improvements project

The City of Guelph is completing water and sewer pipe replacement work on York Road between Stevenson Street and Victoria Road. The curbs, gutters, and sidewalks will also be replaced as part of this project. The road will remain a two-lane road with the addition of bike lanes on the north and south sides of the roads.

For the second stage of this project to replace the underground water and sewer pipes, York Road will be closed from Brockville Avenue to Victoria Road South in both directions starting in the spring of 2024. There will be limited local access in the winter 2024.

Have your say

Learn about: 

  • Potential impacts to properties
  • Traffic impacts during construction
  • What to expect during construction

How to participate

We held a public open house on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 to discuss what to expect during construction. Construction plans will be on display. If you missed the open house review the information and ask any questions you may have regarding traffic impacts, property access or other construction related concerns below by April 2, 2024..

In addition a special meeting for businesses was held:

Date: Monday, February 26, 2024


Welcome to the virtual open house. If you have comments about the project please tell us here. 

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Stevenson street from York to Elizabeth MUST MUST be open prior to York Rd closing down again. Stevenson street has been closed for way too long. Given Guelph's track record for timely construction completion I would expect York to be closed for 2 years. Managing the construction that it has a minimal effect on residents and businesses on past projects has been quite poor

md almost 3 years ago

How will commercial trucks access the business' on Hayes, Smith and Kingsmill Ave?
Will the construction on Stevenson Rd be completed before this construction on York is started?

Alex1 almost 3 years ago

Will Stevenson be open at Alice street when York road closes? That would be a perfect way to be able to get to our offices at 404 York if it is and we would publicize that, but Stevenson has been closed for a really LONG time.

Elizabeth Dent almost 3 years ago

It seems unclear how residents are to come and go from their streets (Lawrence, Audrey, Menzie etc). Will Florence lane become a 2-way street. It seems like a solution. It is unreasonable to expect residents to wait until after 5pm to come and go or to wait long periods until they can use York. What is the plan? Thanks!

Belise22 almost 3 years ago

Yes we live on kingsmill as well and operate a business that requires us to come and go at all hours. This needs to be possible. Can Florence lane be turned into a very slow 2 way for the duration of project?

Jessica almost 3 years ago

All looks pretty decent, thanks for the details and heads up, do have a few questions about a property on York and Kingsmill (as I see construction will happen there and also into kingsmill going north) just so I can arrange some things with my tenants/business that is operating on this corner , as well as possible to find out who is doing the work so I can schedule to do sewer/water main to the property while work is being completed, thanks.

JCD almost 3 years ago

Looking at this I am wondering how I will get to my house on Kingsmill Ave. Florence Lane is one way. If it was short term, this would be no problem but it seems like it will be a lengthy process

doug almost 3 years ago

I live on Kingsmill ave...how will I get to my residence.

Yule Darrell almost 3 years ago

I have a couple of question
1- Are you digging up all of York Rd at once from Stevenson to Victoria Rd or in parts
( there are lot of home and people affected in the nine streets)
2-Can you not incorporate the use of Florence Lane or turn around linkages for the access to Hayes, Kingsmill, Mineze, Audrey and Lawrence.
3. What happen in the case of a Medical emergence of Fire
I understand the need for this project but I am also concern for my safety and access to and from my home

Nansar almost 3 years ago

Phase 2 vs Phase 3 - Stevenson Road around GJR Tracks
Phase 2 published completion of construction in May 2022, however is also noted in Phase 3 construction beginning June 2022? Please clarify.
Phase 3 - Stage 1 vs Stage 2.
I understand that Phase 3 will be completed in stages upon completion of Phase 2. However there is no timeline noted for the completion of stage 1. Could you please address the Stage 1 project completion date? During Stage 1 construction, will York road remain open between Brockville and Victoria?
Furthermore, upon completion of Stage 1, will the York and Stevenson intersection re-open, as well as the Stevenson x GJR tracks? If so, on page 7 of the presentation, how come Stevenson is not shown as a detour route?

Alex Matysiak almost 3 years ago